
Weymouth & Portland

Spice Club

Exploring the Asian cuisine of Weymouth, Portland and surrounding area.

This group meets once a month on a day and time agreed within the group.

Aim is that at least 50% of the restaurant meals will be in the evening, giving the opportunity to continue chatting in a local pub. Some meals will be lunch time, maybe takeaways and potluck suppers.

Part of the group ethos is that members are expected to contribute to the running of the group by suggesting restaurants to try. Restaurants can include pubs and non Asian restaurants that offer a spicy or Asian food themed event.

Looking to have lots of laughs.

Group Leaders are

  • Maggie Stansfield
  • Ros Dean

If interested in joining us contact Ros or Maggie using the link below

Status:Active, open to new members
When: Monthly
Monthly on various day/times
Venue: Varies