
Weymouth & Portland

Exploring Literature

In most book groups the members read the same book and discuss it, but in our group we all choose a different book for the theme or author of the month and report back on it. This year our themes have included “London”, “Medicine” and “A Prizewinner”, and authors included Jan Morris, Elif Shafak and Barbara Pym.

A few of next year’s choices are “Classics re-imagined”, “Lost”, and books by Amanda Craig, Penelope Lively and Melvyn Bragg.

We have space for a few new members - so do come and join us.

If you would like to join us contact Terry on the email link below

Status:Active, open to new members
Group email: Exploring Literature group
When: Monthly on Monday mornings 10:30 am
4th Monday except August and December
Venue: St Aldhlem's Church Centre